Below is a quick guide to some existing tools.
State-by-state Groups and Corresponding Websites
There are active groups in most states working on the drone issue. Many maintain one or more website specific to their work on drones; a number of sites have also been set up with the assistance of the No Drones Network to give as much visibility as possible to the work of these groups. Find a group near you by consulting the state-by-state list and getting involved!
E-mail Blasts
We are working toward having a good list of people participating in these efforts nationwide. Please add your name to the list by going to the opt-in page for the Network to Stop Drone Surveillance and Warfare (NSDSW).
Social Media, News Groups, List-serves and Forums
There is a Facebook group for people at the grass-roots working to stop drones: STOP! the Drone Killing Grassroots Coalition
CODEPINK curates a news list on the Global Drones Watch website.
There are several listserves. For instance, to subscribe/unsubscribe, go to - if you are having trouble, please just email
In addition, there is discussion of developing an online forum dedicated to the work of the no-drones movement.
The newest project of the NSDSW is a wiki to allow the broadest possible participation by people in the drone opposition movement in assembling and sharing resources.
View the main NSDSWiki page.
View a full list of NSDSW Participating Organizations.
View the Organizing Manual Project.
View the latest NSDSW Events.
To add or edit content on the wiki, establish an account (see upper right hand corner of the wiki) and start editing. (Some pages of the wiki may have limited editing access.)
To get involved working with others to develop/improve these and/or other aspects of the online tools, resources, and platforms for supporting the movement to stop drone warfare and surveillance, please email Joe Scarry
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